Newer/better version (Improved quality, text, and visual background): [ Ссылка ]
0:00 Title Screen / Password
2:59 World 1 (The Islands)
6:09 World 2 (The Moon)
9:04 Worlds 3 & 5 (Machine World / Microchip)
12:41 World 4 (Forest)
16:04 World 6 (Prize World)
18:19 World Complete / Congratulations!
Thanks to Mandarinswift who drew the portrait of me that you see in this video!
This is the OST to Treasure Master for the NES! But in my own form of Stereo! Which spreads the sound channels and adds a bit of echo/reverb. These mixes also do not represent true, original, or actual stereo that the NES has, this is just to make the music sound more clear and crisp, and is another way of listening to the greatness of 8Bit music. So enjoy this soundtrack in what I like to call, WiiGuy's 8Bit Stereo!! :D
If you want to support in thanks for what I do, and especially with the recent Revamp of 8BS, you can check out my Patreon for some neat perks to go along with your generous support! [ Ссылка ]
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Shout out to the VGMPF & GDRI for helping spread accurate info!
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MP3 Download Link (In Description of New Version):
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Original NSFe Version (Need Winamp + Notso Fato plugin!):
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*OLD MIX* Treasure Master (NES) Soundtrack - 8BitStereo
TreasureMasterNESNintendoEntertainmentSystemOriginalSoundtrackTheWiiGuyWiiguy309WiiguyWiiGuyTimFollinMyFavoriteVideoGameMusicOfAllTime8-Bittreasuremasternesnintendoentertainmentsystemthewiiguywiiguy309timfollinTreasureMasterTreasuremastertreasuremastertreasureMasterTimFollinTimfollintimFollintimfollintreasure master nestreasure master nes musictreasure master soundtracktreasure master nes stereotreasure master music