Speakers Collective Founder Member Angela Samata talks to Dr. Sharon McDonnell, Managing Director of Suicide Bereavement UK, and Ann Marie McStocker, Health and Wellbeing Project Manager at Northern Ireland Ambulance Service.
This is a rare opportunity to watch a discussion about emergency services personnel responding to suicide and its impact. Particular attention is be paid to their experiences, perceived needs and the importance of receiving evidence-based training dealing with this sensitive issue.
The discussion also focuses on the experiences of those bereaved by suicide at the scene. Dr Sharon McDonnell will refer to research conducted in this field and the development of the evidence-based emergency services Responding To Suicide (RTS) training.
You can find out more about Suicide Bereavement UK at www.suicidebereavementuk.com and Speakers Collective at www.speakerscollective.org
If watching this causes you distress and you would like to talk to someone, you may find it helpful to get in touch with:
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS):
Helpline: 0300 11 5065 Monday to Friday 9am-9pm
Helpline: 116 123 (24 hours)
Email: jo@samaritans.org (24 hours)
Cruse Bereavement Care:
Helpline: 0808 808 1677
Monday to Friday 9.30am-5pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9.30am-8pm
Weekends 10am-2pm
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