This video is a recording from the webinar Climate change and agricultural development, organized by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
The webinar addressed the linkages on climate change research and agricultural development while also discovering the progress and gaps on various climate smart approaches.
Bruce Campbell, Director of CCAFS, gave a presentation on pushing the boundaries on research-development linkages.
Robert Zougmore, CCAFS West Africa leader (ICRISAT) talked about the progress and gaps in getting climate information to farmers.
Pramod Aggarwal, CCAFS South Asia leader (CIMMYT) discussed the progress and gaps in insuring smallholder farmers.
And finally, Sophia Huyer, CCAFS Gender and Social Inclusion leader gave insights into the gender and social inclusion dimension of understanding farmer uptake of climate-smart technologies.
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