Title: "Artificial Rain Deployed to Combat Pollution Crisis in Lahore | Groundbreaking Move"
🌧️ Breaking Environmental News Update: Lahore, one of the most polluted cities globally, witnesses a historic intervention as artificial rain is deployed to tackle hazardous pollution levels. In a groundbreaking move, planes equipped with cloud-seeding technology were used to induce rain over the city. Let's delve into the details of this innovative approach.
🏙️ Lahore's Pollution Crisis: The megacity has been grappling with severe air pollution, impacting the health and well-being of its over 11 million residents. The recent spike in pollution prompted the provincial government to explore unconventional measures.
✈️ Cloud-Seeding Initiative: In collaboration with the United Arab Emirates, planes equipped with cloud-seeding equipment flew over Lahore, employing 48 flares to create artificial rain. The UAE has successfully used cloud seeding to induce rain in arid regions.
📉 Air Quality Emergency: Lahore's air quality reached alarming levels, with PM2.5 pollutants exceeding the World Health Organization's danger limits by more than 66 times. Prolonged exposure to such pollution poses severe health risks, including respiratory diseases and cardiovascular issues.
🌍 Global Efforts to Combat Pollution: The use of artificial rain underscores the global urgency to address air quality crises. Authorities are closely monitoring the impact of this intervention over a 15km radius in Lahore.
🏗️ Future Initiatives: Caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab, Mohsin Naqvi, announced plans for additional instances of artificial rain. Moreover, the installation of smog towers, large-scale air purifiers, is in the pipeline for the city in the coming weeks.
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