DEATH VALLEY'S Best Kept Secret: China Ranch Date Farm Tour
Come along as we visit the best date farm in Death Valley: China Ranch. This historical spot on the Old Spanish Trail has been the home of Native Americans for over 8,000 years, was a waypoint on the Mormon Road for the Death Valley pioneers, and today is an ecological oasis in the heart of the desert.
DEATH VALLEY'S Best Kept Secret: China Ranch Date Farm Tour
China Ranch Date Farmdate farmdeath valleydeath valley oasisdesert oasisOld Spanish TrailTenopah Tidewater RailroadMormon TrailNative American HistoryTecopa CaliforniaDeath Valley Date Farmsecret death valleyAmargosa RiverAmargosa River Date Farmdeath valley day tripshiking the amargosa rivertour of china ranchdate orchard death valleyshoshone californiadeath valley historyDEATH VALLEY'S Best Kept Secret: China Ranch Date Farm Tour