(10 May 2022)
Rome - 10 May 2022
1. Students holding placards reading "Peace" in front of Saint Peter's Basilica
2. Close of placard reading (English) "stop war" and (Italian) "peace"
3. Wide of students holding placard reading (English) "Stop war"
4. Close of placard in Ukrainian flag colours reading (Italian) "stop the war"
5. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Yuliia Kurochka, Kiyv Community of Sant'Egidio member:
"There is always hope. We are Christians, but also all people want peace. Also Russians want peace, only one person does not want peace. Russian people want peace."
6. Mid of banners reading "No to war", woman passing by with stroller
7. Wide of sit-in
8. Close of placards
9. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Lea Polgar, 85, Jewish Holocaust survivor:
"My duty is to make Italian kids understand that they can not remain indifferent and they have to join and support less lucky children and share the luck of Italian children, who live in peace with their families and their games."
10. Banner reading (Italian) "More words, less weapons"
11. Placard with drawn hand palms reading (Italian) "brotherhood, peace, war is not the solution, war is not a game"
12. Mid of students holding peace placards
13. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Letizia Quintas, Crivelli secondary school teacher:
"Young people want peace. Since the very first moment we started talking about war. They reacted with fear but also with the will to have their say on it. Therefore they were very keen to join this initiative. They wanted to express their ideas with these very beautiful placards they have prepared at school. They are here because they want their voice to be heard."
14. Wide of rally
15. Close of banner with Sant'Egidio Community symbol
16. Banner reading (English) "Stop war" and Sant'Angelo castle in background
17. Various of students at protest
Italian secondary schools students in collaboration with the Catholic Community of Sant'Egidio staged a peace sit-in in front of Saint Peter's Basilica on Tuesday calling for an end to the war in Ukraine.
About 100 students from Crivelli secondary school, in the western suburbs of Rome, gathered together holding placards reading "Stop the War" and "More words, less weapons."
The Community of Sant'Egidio is a lay Catholic group focused on service to the poor and peace-building.
Yuliia Kurochka, a member of Kiyv's Community of Sant'Egidio chapter said there was hope to end the war, as no one, not even the Russians wanted it.
The protest was the conclusion of a two month project by the Roman school.
Prior to the rally, students attended conferences with various speakers including Lea Polgar, an 85-year-old Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust.
"My duty is to make Italian kids understand that they can not remain indifferent," Polgar said at Tuesday's rally. "They have to join and support less lucky children and share the luck of Italian children, who live in peace with their families and their games."
Crivelli school teacher Letizia Quintas said students were horrified to learn about the reality of war but that made them more willing to join the initiative and be heard as they called for peace.
"They wanted to express their ideas with these very beautiful placards they have prepared at school. They are here because they want their voice to be heard," she said.
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