The World Health Organisation created World No Tobacco Day in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes. The day draws attention to the widespread prevalence of tobacco use and to the negative health effects that lead to more than 8 million deaths worldwide each year, and almost 1.2 million non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke. During the past 21 years, the Day has seen both enthusiasm and resistance from governments, public health organisations, smokers, growers and tobacco companies.
But before everything else, let’s ponder over the current deadly COVID-19 pandemic, and let’s see how badly the smokers or tobacco-consumers are more at risk. Smokers have much higher risk of contracting coronavirus as they are constantly putting their hands to their lips. If they fall victim to coronavirus, they run a greater risk of getting a severe case because their lung function is impaired.
No Tobacco Awareness Campaign 2021
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