French: Romeo et Juliette – Verone (2001, original)
Japanese: ロミオ & ジュリエット - ヴェローナ (Toho: 2019)
Korean: 로미오와 줄리엣 - 베로나
Russian: Ромео и Джульетта (Moscow) – Верона (2005)
German: Romeo und Julia – Verona (Wien, Austria: 2005)
French: Romeo et Juliette - Verone (2010)
Japanese: ロミオ & ジュリエット - ヴェローナ (Takarazuka: 2010)
Hebrew: (2015) רומאו ויוליה המחזמר - ורונה
Spanish: Romeo y Julieta - Verona (2008)
Hungarian: Rómeó és Júlia - Verona (2005)
Italian: Romeo e Giulietta – Verona (2013)
Mandarin: 音乐剧罗密欧与朱丽叶 - 维罗纳 (China: 2021)
Japanese: ロミオ & ジュリエット - ヴェローナ (Toho: 2011)
Portuguese: Romeu e Julieta do Ódio ao Amor - O musical (2019)
Slovakian: Rómeo a Júlia (2013)
Mongolian: Ромео Жульетта (2013)
Dutch: Romeo en Julia - Verona (2003)
The first version of the Verone multi-language video was one of the first multi videos I’d made and only features 8 languages/versions of the musical. Since then I discovered so many other versions and learned some useful editing technics, so I made a complementary video that features 17 versions focusing on the new additions.
Unfortunately I still couldn’t fit in the Romanian and English version of the song.
Ещё видео!