WATERING- Only when the soil is completely bone dry ….and water completely till the water runs through the drain hole ….
SUNLIGHT - Morning direct sunlight for 5-6 hours or indirect bright light.
FERTILISERS - Only during the growing season ( summer ) very weak diluted liquid fertilizerworks best ….Apply once month or once in two months .
POT - terracotta / concrete / unglazed clay pots are perfect pot material for Echeveria
SOIL - lose / porous / well draining / lean nutrient soil works best
Succulents soil mix video
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If you want Detailed Care tips for Foliage plants do check my New channel LUSHFOLIAGE.
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Check out the catalogue for different varieties
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Don’t forget to use code - ‘ lush20 ' ….. for discount on your purchase
Adromischus | Aeonium | Aloe | Anacampseros | Astroloba | Avonia | Bowiea | Bulbine | Ceraria | Conophytum
Cotyledon | Crassula | Dioscorea | Dudleya
| Fouquieria | Gasteria | Gibbaeum | Graptopelaum | Graptoveria | Haemanthus
| Haworthia | Kalanchoe | Neohenricia | Othonna | Pachycormus | Pachyphytum |
pachyveria | Pelargonium | Peperomia |
Portulacaria | Sansevieria | Saracocaulon | Sedeveria | Sedum | Senecio | Stomatium | Talinum | Tylecod
Adenia | Adenium | Agaves | Alluaudia | Brachystelma | Bursera | Calibanus | Ceropegia | Cissu | Cyphostemma | Didlieria | Dorstenia | Echeveria | Encephalartos | Ficus | Fockea | Huernia | Ibervillea | Ipomoea | Jathropha | Lithops | Monadenium | Moringa | Operculicarya | Pachypodium | Pedilanthus | Plumeria | Pterodiscu | Raphionacme | Siningia | Stapelianthus |
Synadenium | Tillandsia | Trichocaulon | Trichodiadema | Xerosicyos
Seaweed from Amazon
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Buy Mini succulent garden tools from
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Buy products from Nurserylive.Use code LUSHGARDENER and get 10% discount
Also do check out my new channel on foilage
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WATERING- Only when the soil is completely bone dry ….and water completely till the water runs through the drain hole ….
SUNLIGHT - Morning direct sunlight for 5-6 hours or indirect bright light.
FERTILISERS - Only during the growing season ( summer ) very weak diluted liquid fertilizerworks best ….Apply once month or once in two months .
POT - terracotta / concrete / unglazed clay pots are perfect pot material for Echeverias
SOIL - lose / porous / well draining / lean nutrient soil works best
Succulents soil mix video
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If you want Detailed Care tips for Foliage plants do check my New channel LUSHFOLIAGE.
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Check out the catalogue for different varieties
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Don’t forget to use code - ‘ lush20 ' ….. for discount on your purchase
Adromischus | Aeonium | Aloe | Anacampseros | Astroloba | Avonia | Bowiea | Bulbine | Ceraria | Conophytum
Cotyledon | Crassula | Dioscorea | Dudleya
| Fouquieria | Gasteria | Gibbaeum | Graptopelaum | Graptoveria | Haemanthus
| Haworthia | Kalanchoe | Neohenricia | Othonna | Pachycormus | Pachyphytum |
pachyveria | Pelargonium | Peperomia |
Portulacaria | Sansevieria | Saracocaulon | Sedeveria | Sedum | Senecio | Stomatium | Talinum | Tylecod
Adenia | Adenium | Agaves | Alluaudia | Brachystelma | Bursera | Calibanus | Ceropegia | Cissu | Cyphostemma | Didlieria | Dorstenia | Echeveria | Encephalartos | Ficus | Fockea | Huernia | Ibervillea | Ipomoea | Jathropha | Lithops | Monadenium | Moringa | Operculicarya | Pachypodium | Pedilanthus | Plumeria | Pterodiscu | Raphionacme | Siningia | Stapelianthus |
Synadenium | Tillandsia | Trichocaulon | Trichodiadema | Xerosicyos
Seaweed from Amazon
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Buy Mini succulent garden tools from
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Buy products from Nurserylive.Use code LUSHGARDENER and get 10% discount
Also do check out my new channel on foilage
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You can also connect with me on
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