I know, I know, I am getting older ... but really, I cannot easily remember a village I have ever visited, where I was stone sober and nearly fell backward as the incline on a street was so great. Such was the case in Simiane-La-Rotonde, in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence department of France.
Along where the Alps meet the Mediterranean, you can expect perched villages, put there for strategic and defensive purposes. This one boasts an extraordinary castle with a famous rotunda, and has an aromatherapy section. You can see there how things are distilled and learn about perfumes and such.
The ancient castle is lovely and if you can walk or climb up here, more the better I suppose, but it was a challenge for me.
Provence is a gorgeous region of France to the Southeast along the Mediterranean, known for sun, lavender and mistral winds. I took a train down from Paris to Avignon, rented a car, and stayed for a week in Dauphin, then moved over to Arles, in Bouches-du-Rhône. This was not my first visit to this area by any means, but I was struck by the romantic and historic aspects of these places. I recommend this for lovers or for those who love love, the arts, nature and beauty. Fall in love here, take someone you love, look for love. Love is in the air.
copyright 2013 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A.
Dailymotion: LisaFalour
I am American-born but now French. More of my artwork and writing will appear this year in the next FREAK WAVE.
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