The Chaturmukha basadi is a four faced Jaina Basadi. Jain basadi is known also as Derasar. This Basadi is located in Karkala, Udupi district of Karnataka. it is one of the ancient Jain pilgrimage center in Udupi. The Basadi (temple) has four sets of statues of Tirthankara Aranath, Mallinath and Munisuvratnath facing in all four directions. It carved out of black stones and built ontop of a small hill. The Jain rulers who ruled Karkala at that period gave due importance to construction of basadis , which have stood the test of time. Karkala tourism has not been advertised much but has many interesting location nearby such as the Gommatta Betta, Anekere, and many more jain basadis in and around the area. The basadi has few interesting carvings on its pillars , some optical illusion carvings of a bull and elephant carved with two different body and head overlapping the other carving.
Karkala is 60 kilometers from Mangalore and 7 hours drive from Bangalore. For travel enthusiast Karkala tourism and karnataka tourism holds many places to be explored.Places near Karkala ,such as Moodabidri , Malpe beach , udupi offer tourists various choices for visit from beaches, temples, jain mandirs.
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