Odin Quartet presented a second collaboration with the acclaimed Serbian clarinetist Goran Gojević on Nov 30 2018. The program featured works for various ensembles, from duo to quintet. Also, the quartet was joined by the amazing guest violinist Heng Han Hou. On this occasion, Alex Toskov performed on both violin and viola, while Goran played on bass clarinet as well. The rest of the quartet comprised of Tanya Charles Iveniuk on violin, and Samuel Bisson on cello.
The program featured works by Bach, Vujić, Stamitz, Vivaldi, Lewin, Weber, Sarasate, and Grgin. Quartet was excited to again present music by two Serbian composers, in addition to the standard pieces of chamber music repertoire.
The concert took place at All Saints Kingsway Church in Toronto.
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