In this guide I show you 10 Ivern tips that you need to know if you want to climb in season 11!
1: Use Q and immediately after start your passive. Then reactivate your Q. Make sure to youse Q to jump over walls and make your clear as fast as possible!
2: Smite doesn't cancel recall. This is true for every jungler, but benefits Ivern especially.
3. If an enemy uses a control ward to disable your yellow trinket (or blue), place W on top of it to keep vision of the area. Especially useful for stealing objectives, so combine it with the 5th tip for the best Baron Nashor and Elder Dragon steals!
4. Connecting bushes makes it so your wards can see both. Useful if you want to keep vision of a certain area.
5. If you land in the bush, the enemy can't see you flying over the wall!
6. Marks cannot be seen by the enemy, if the enemy doesn't see you. Use this to steal scuttle crab as well as enemy buffs!
7. You can safely do Rift Herald while being out of enemy vision if you use Daisy.
8. Use W to check enemy camps and reset your icon timer. This way you can precisely time your future invades.
9. You can take camps over walls, usefull if you need to attend a fight quickly
(e.g. you're about to hit level 6)
10. Many people don't know that you can actually attack inhibitors by pressing ALT + RIGHT CLICK instead of R and RIGHT CLICK
algorithm ;)
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