===========Oracle Database Gateways=======
To access non Oracle DB systems we need to use Oracle Heterogeneous Services.
Oracle Database Gateways Provide Heterogeneous data access.
Oracle Database Gateways provide the ability to transparently access data residing
in a non Oracle systems from an Oracle Environment
Download and install oracle database gateway.
[ Ссылка ]
Create ODBC data source.
---name mytestodbc
Configure initdg4odbc.ora file in oracle gateway home.
---gateway home : C:\app\tg\Ekramul\product\19.0.0\tghome_1\hs\admin
copy initdg4odbc.ora and past with a new name
HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = mytestodbc
Configure listener.ora in oracle gateway home.
---add below lines
(SID_NAME = mytestodbc)
(ORACLE_HOME = C:\app\tg\Ekramul\product\19.0.0\tghome_1)
(PROGRAM = dg4odbc)
Configure tnsname.ora in oracle database home.
---oracle 19c database tns file
---add below lines
mytestodbc =
(CONNECT_DATA =(SID=mytestodbc))
now restart services
lsnrctl reload
or from services
now check from cmd by tnsping
My 19c database tns name is : orcl
My 19c gateway database tns name is : mytestodbc
tnsping orcl
tnsping mytestodbc
export environment
set oracle_home=E:\app\19c
set oracle_sid=orcl
Create database link to connect with MSSQL server.
sqlplus / as sysdba
create database link mylink01 connect to "sa" identified by "Asdf123#" using 'mytestodbc';
select * from test_tbl@mylink01;
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