William Byrd's "Tribue, Domine" recorded during the Solemn High Mass for Trinity Sunday at The Toronto Oratory on June 16, 2019.
The musicians are:
Teresa Mahon, soprano
Daniella Theresia, Jessica Wright, altos
Dave Finneran, Ben Keast, tenors
Victor Cheng, baritone
Sean Nix, bass
Aaron James, conductor
"Tribue Domine, ut donec in hoc fragili corpore positus sum, laudet te cor meum, laudet te lingua mea, et omnia ossa mea dicant:
Domine, quis similis tui? Tu es Deus omnipotens, quem trinum in personis, et unum in substantia deitatis colimus et adoramus,
Patrem ingenitum, Filium de Patre unigenitum, Spiritum sanctum de utroque procedentem, et in utroque permanentem,
Sanctam et individuam trinitatem, unum Deum omnipotentem.
Te deprecor, supplico et rogo, auge fidem, auge spem, auge charitatem.
Fac nos per ipsam gratiam tuam semper in fide stabiles, et in opere efficaces,
ut per fidem rectam et condigna fidei opera ad vitam te miserante, perveniamus æternam."
[Grant, O Lord, that while I am placed in this feeble body my heart shall praise Thee, my tongue shall praise thee,
and all my bones shall say: Lord, who is like unto Thee? Thou art God Almighty, Who as three persons in one
divine substance we worship and adore: Father unbegotten, only-begotten Son of the Father, Holy Spirit
proceeding from both and remaining in both, Holy and undivided Trinity, one God Almighty.
I entreat, pray and request Thee, increase my faith, increase my hope, increase my charity: make us through
Thy grace forever steadfast in faith and effective in works, that through true faith and works worthy of our faith
we may come through, by Thy mercy, to eternal life.]
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