This Ram Navmi, witness the Surya Tilak on Shri Ram Lalla, a celestial event inspired by Hanuman Ji's announcement in Tulsidas' Ramcharitmanas. 🙏 'Raghukul Tilak Sujan Sukh Daata, Aayau Kusal Dev Muni Traata' - as Hanuman Ji described, witness the 'Surya Tilak' marking the joyous arrival of Lord Ram.
A unique system, conceptualized by top scientists and astronomers, enables sunlight to precisely fall on Ram Lalla's forehead, creating a sacred 'Surya Tilak'. Inspired by the Konark Sun Temple and crafted with high-quality lenses, this phenomenon is a blend of spiritual reverence and scientific ingenuity, symbolizing the unison of celestial and earthly realms.
🔭 Stay tuned for an enchanting view of Ramlalla receiving the 'Surya Tilak' on this auspicious day. Subscribe now for more updates and insights into this extraordinary event where spirituality and science converge. Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime experience on Ram Navmi. 🌟 #SuryaTilak #RamLalla #AyodhyaRamMandir #RamNavmi
👉 Subscribe for more divine updates and share this video to spread the wonder. Jai Shri Ram! 🚩"
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