Go see Fashion Bomb on tour with Lord of the Lost and Murder F.M. March 1-16!
Show dates: [ Ссылка ]
From the album Visions of the Lifted Veil; Directed by Matthew J Van Howe.
Full Effect Records
Distribution through Sony / Red / MRI
Fashion Bomb- The Vow [Official Video]
FashionBombThe VowThe Meekmetalmusicvideoslipknotill ninoekotrenanew revolutiontoolmarilynmansonnine inch nailsninchicagohardrockmayhemrockstardisturbedavengedsevenfoldfivefingerdeathpunchdopekorndemonadobeaftereffectsaaeheavyblackveilbridesvampireseverywhererobzombienukenuclearTool (Musical Group)Fashion Bomb (Musical Group)Marilyn Manson (Music Video)Hard Rock (Musical Genre)