00:00 - Music and photos before the service
06:05 - 08:33 - Carol to prepare for worship R&S 153 On Christmas night
08:38 - Welcome and introduction (including lighting of peace candle)
10:18 - Call to worship
Into this space, into our prayers,
Jesus, we welcome you.
Into our sadnesses, into our celebrations,
Jesus, we welcome you.
Into our homes, into our families,
Jesus, we welcome you.
Into our lives, into our hearts,
Jesus, we welcome you.
We offer our worship, we offer our thanks
For you are ‘God with us’ now and for ever. Amen.
11:04 - HYMN R&S 160 O come all ye faithful (omit verses 3 and 4)
14:37 - Lighting the Advent Candles and opening prayer
Lord Jesus, be with us in all our celebrations today.
Shine your light into our lives. Bring your love, hope
and peace to our broken world, that all creation
may learn the song of the angels:
Glory to God in the highest
and peace on earth. Amen.
18:09 - SONG Tune: Frère Jacques
Christ our Lord: Christ our Lord,
light our lives light our lives.
We’ll be lights to others: we’ll be lights to others.
Light our lives: light our lives.
19:22 - 25:40 - Introduction: ‘simply the best!’
25:51 - 26:48 - Reading: Luke 2. 1 – 7 read by Julia Sparks
27:01 - 28:41 - HYMN R&S 149 Infant lowly, infant holy
29:06 - 30:51 - Reading: Luke 2. 8 – 20 read by Stephen Burton
31:02 - 33:46 - Reflection: ‘The child in a manger’
33:55 - 36:06 - HYMN R&S 166 Come and join the celebration
36:23 - 41:58 - Prayers for those in need with the response
God with us, be with them.
Lord’s Prayer
42:59 - 47:14 - HYMN R&S 157 See, in yonder manger low
47:15 - 47:44 - Blessing
47:57 - 49:42 - Music after the service
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