In this video we'll add a My Events page to our app with Django and Python.
The My Events page will query the database and return all the events that the logged in user is attending.
We'll also make sure that the page only appears if the user is logged in, otherwise it will show an error message and redirect to the homepage.
#django #codemy #JohnElder
0:00 - Introduction
1:11 - Add My_Events.html Template
1:48 - Add My_Events URL
2:20 - Add My_Events View
3:48 - Add My_Events Link To Navbar
5:37 - Determine The Logged In User ID
7:22 - Query The Events Model By Attendees
8:18 - Pass Queried Events To My_Events.html Page
10:49 - Format Results With Cards On My_Events.html Page
11:38 - Conclusion
Add My_Events Page - Django Wednesdays #33
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