Victorian Auditor-General's report on Managing the Municipal and Industrial Landfill Levy, tabled 25 July 2018. Since 1992, Victorians have been paying the Municipal and Industrial Landfill Levy (MILL) when they dispose of waste to landfill. The levy aims to encourage recycling by putting a price on every tonne of waste that goes to landfill. We audited five agencies that are involved with the collection of the MILL, administration of the fund and/or are recipients of its funding.
Managing the Municipal and Industrial Landfill Levy
Environment Protection Act 1970LevyLandfillwasterubbishSustainability Fund Department of EnvironmentLandWater and PlanningEPAEnvironment Protection AuthorityGippsland Waste and Resource Recovery GroupMILLMunicipal and Industrial Landfill LevyMinister for EnergyEnvironment and Climate ChangeMetropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery GroupParks VictoriaSFIPSustainability Fund Investment PolicySustainability Victoria