#vojskasrbije #serbianarmy #specialforces #63rdparachutebrigade #specijalnejedinice #kov #armament #arms #weapons #oruzje #naoruzanje #padobran #parachute #army #military #armija #vojska #landarmy #srbija #serbianarmy #72ndbrigade #militarypolice #kobre #cobras #gendarmerie #zandarmerija #saj #ptj #nis #pancevo #belgrade #srbija #serbia
We answer the question, what are all the conditions and what is required to become a member of the special units of the Serbian Armed Forces?
The Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces have announced competitions for the recruitment of new members to the 63rd Parachute Brigade, 72nd Special Operations Brigade and the "Cobra" Special Purpose Military Police Detachment, to which all interested candidates under the age of 30 can apply. Those who become members of the elite units of the Serbian Armed Forces expect continuous training and improvement, work with the most modern weapons and equipment, as well as a stimulating basic salary in the amount of about 200,000 dinars, which, depending on the level of training and training place, will be significantly increased, they add from Ministry of Defense.
The workplace of the future members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade will be in Nis.
Those who will be accepted into the 72nd Special Operations Brigade will serve in the Pancevo garrison, while the future members of "Cobra" will work in Belgrade.
Candidates who have not served military service with a weapon have the opportunity to apply for the competitions, with the fact that, before being sent to selective training, they will have to successfully complete basic military training.
Odgovaramo na pitanje koji su to sve uslovi i šta je potrebno da postaneš pripadnik specijalnih jedinica Vojske Srbije?
Ministarstvo odbrane i Vojska Srbije raspisali su konkurse za prijem novih pripadnika u 63. padobransku brigadu, 72. brigadu za specijalne operacije i Odred vojne policije specijalne namene „Kobre“, na koji se mogu prijaviti svi zainteresovani kandidati starosti do 30 godina. Oni koji steknu zvanje pripadnika elitnih sastava Vojske Srbije očekuje kontinuirana obuka i usavršavanje, rad sa najsavremenijim naoružanjem i opremom kao i stimulativna osnovna zarada u iznosu od oko 200.000 dinara koja će se, u zavisnosti od nivoa osposobljenosti i formacijskog mesta, značajno uvećavati, dodaju iz Ministarstva odbrane.
Mesto rada budućih pripadnika 63. padobranske brigade biće u Nišu.
Oni koji budu primljeni u 72. brigadu za specijalne operacije službovaće u garnizonu Pančevo, dok će budući pripadnici „Kobri“ raditi u Beogradu.
Mogućnost prijavljivanja na konkurse imaju i kandidati koji nisu odslužili vojni rok sa oružjem, s tim što će, pre upućivanja na selektivnu obuku, morati uspešno da savladaju osnovnu vojnu obuku.
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