Norwood and Frontier sawmills are designed with our EZ blade tension and tracking system. The heart of the system is that blade tension and blade tracking are separate. Some saws out there mix the two so that, every time you change your blade tension (as in, every time you change your blade), your bandwheels get thrown out of alignment. Norwood and Frontier owners typically only track their bandwheels at initial system set-up and simply check it thereafter.
In this episode of SAWMILL TECH TIPS, Norwood pro-staff sawyer, Trevor, shares with us how you can easily track your blade on Norwood and Frontier sawmills.
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SAWMILL TECH TIPS - Tracking Your Blade
Sawmillsaw millportablemobileportable sawmillmobile sawmillportable saw millmobile saw millbandmillband millband sawmillbandsawmobile band sawmillportable band sawmillNorwoodNorwood sawmillNorwood saw millwoodsawingsawmillingforestryWoodMizerWood-MizerWoodlandWoodland MillsHD36LM29MN26LogosolTimberkingchainsaw sawmillchainsawM7M8HM130HM127FrontierB751LT40LT28B1001yt:cc=ontracktrackingbladebandwheel