Author Rheea Mukherjee and writer David Heska Wanbli Weiden explore the territory of their fiction and the intense inner landscape they inhabit with Arsen Kashkashian as they discuss their books, the undercurrents about the body, mind, and society, as well as the impact of history and politics within their fiction.
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JLF Colorado 2020 | Writing The Body, Writing The Land
jaipur literature festival 2020jaipur literature festivalfestivalliterature festivaljaipur lit fest 2020authorsbookswriterliterary eventnovel eventJLF 2020JLF Colorado 2020Writing The BodyWriting The LandAuthor Rheea Mukherjeewriter David Heska Wanbli Weidenthe territory of their fictionthe intense inner landscape they inhabitArsen Kashkashiandiscuss their booksthe undercurrents about the bodymindsocietyimpact of history and politics