The founder of Retail Prophet, Doug Stephens is one of the world's foremost retail industry futurists and the author of The Retail Revival: Reimagining Business in the New Age of Consumerism. He is an in-demand speaker, writer and opinion leader on retail and consumer trends.
His research and insights have helped major organizations -- such as Air Miles, Home Depot, Razorfish, Citibank and WestJet -- understand exactly how mega-trends in demographics, economics, technology and media are forever altering consumer / brand relationships and what they need to do to adapt and evolve.
Drawing on his 20 years of experience, Stephens gives his audiences a clear view of what's on the horizon. He analyzes media trends, financial climates, demographic shifts, emerging technologies and everything in between to provide an unrivaled insight into consumer trends.
Doug is also a regular guest expert on the acclaimed CTV technology show, App Central TV.
Retail Prophet: The Future is Bright
Retail SpeakersRetail SpeakerRetail ExpertsRetail PresentationsRetail ConsultantsRetail ConsultingDoug StephensRetail Prophet ConsultingRetail FuturistMarketing StrategyRetail TrendsRetail MarketingRetail TechnologyRetail Media ContactCanadian StoresU.S. Storeseconomicsdemographics futureonlinemarketingConsumer Trends