Breakfast Martini is a modern classic cocktail created by Salvatore Calabrese - The Maestro. The cocktail is a signature recipe created in 1996 inspired by his wife toast with Orange marmalade. I love the cocktail and I wanted to share with you this wonderful recipe of the famous Breakfast Martini by Salvatore Calabrese.
- 50ml London Dry Gin
- 15ml Cointreau or Triple Sec
- 15ml Fresh Lemon Juice
- 1 tsp Orange Marmalade
Shake with ice and strain into chilled Martini Glass. Garnish with orange zest. Enjoy!
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Breakfast Martini Classic Cocktail by Salvatore Calabrese
#breakfastmartini #salvatorecalabrese #mixology
Breakfast Martini Classic Cocktail by Salvatore Calabrese
Breakfast Martini Classic Cocktail Salvatore Calabrese The Maestrobreakfast martinibreakfast martini salvatore calabresebreakfast martini recipecocktail beveragesalvatore calabrese cocktailbartendercocktailcocktailscocktail recipesgin cocktailsgin cocktails just shake or stirmartini cocktailmartini recipeorange marmaladehow to makesalvatore calabresesalvatore calabrese breakfast martinicocktails at homecocktails recipescocktails for two