How do I decompress from a stressful week at work? How do I stop spending time on the weekends or after work thinking about work? In this episode of Ask Dora, Headspace Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher Dora Kamau gives us three tips to reframe our thoughts on work/life balance and how to think about our work lives as part of our personal lives by being present. We’ll learn how to be present in each moment whether at work or at home, how making time for personal hobbies and fun, social activities can help take the mind away from work stress, and how making time for slow and mindful rest can help us build a more peaceful relationship with our work as part of our daily lives.
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Emerald - by Scott Sorenson & Chris Murguia
White - by Benjamin Bruneu
Tips to Stop Stressing About Work on the Weekend
Headspace mindfulness teachersexpert videohow to decompress from workhow to unwind from workhelp unwindinghelp destressingstressed from workstressed out from worktips to decompress from worktips to wind down from worktips to relax after workhow to relax after worktips to stop being stressed after workhow to keep work stress away from hometips to keep work stress away from hometips to unwind after worktips to unwind from workwork life balance