Kemarin setelah kami menggelar rapat koordinasi dengan seluruh Dinas Kabupaten Kendal, saya dan Pak Basuki menuju ke Terminal Bahurekso lokasi Pasar Weleri sementara.
Sebelumnya saya meminta kepada dinas terkait untuk menyiapkan ruang kerja untuk saya dan Pak Basuki, karena pasar ini akan kami kunjungi secara rutin untuk memantau perkembangan relokasi. Sampai saat ini, kami sedang meninjau tahap desain. InsyaAllah desainnya akan selesai dalam waktu dekat.
Harapannya, pengembangan Pasar Weleri temporer segera dimulai, sehingga para penjual bisa tetap menjalankan fungsinya, dan masyarakat Kendal bisa terus mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari.
Yesterday after holding a coordination meeting with the head of the department, Mr. Basuki @windusuko_basuki and I immediately went to Bahurekso Terminal which is the temporary location for the Weleri Market.
Previously, I had directed the related office to provide a special workspace for Mr. Basuki and me because in the future we will often visit here in order to review the progress of market relocation. Until now, we are currently reviewing the design stage. God willing, the design can be finished in the near future.
We hope that the construction of the temporary Weleri Market can be carried out immediately, so that traders can continue to carry out their functions and the Kendal community can still meet their daily needs.
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