Asambhav is a 2004 Bollywood Indian Hindi action thriller film directed by Rajiv Rai and produced by Gulshan Rai. It was released on 23 July 2004, starring Arjun Rampal, Naseeruddin Shah and Priyanka Chopra in the lead roles with Dipannita Sharma, Tom Alter, Milind Gunaji and Sharat Saxena playing supporting roles among others. The film was shot entirely in Switzerland.
Movie: Asambhav (2004)
Cast: Arjun Rampal, Naseeruddin Shah and Priyanka Chopra in the lead roles with Dipannita Sharma, Tom Alter, Milind Gunaji and Sharat Saxena.
Music: Viju Shah
Director: Rajiv Rai
#climax #arjunrampal #priankachopra #hindimovie
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