Tems and Conditions
Appointment to the abave post shall be made on temporary basi
Applcation on the presoaribed format shal reach the undersigned within 15 days from the date
of advertisement. Appications, Incomplete or receed after the expiry date, wil not be
entertained. Plkaze do not attach amv other dosument Testimonials) with the agpliation
The recraltment shall be made in accordance with the Establshment Division Recrultment Poly
dated 22.10 2014 and amendments made there under.
General Age Relasation ofS years is admissibie under the nules
Candidates alresdy in Gove rnment Service should apply through proper cha nnel.
Appicant shortlisted for an interview shall presenit his/her original documents.
Information provided in the appication form will be veritied by the Ministry of Energy (Power
Division). In case of any false or forged indormation, fake or bogus documents, the Ministry
reserve the righe to canoel candidature at any stage (even ater employment, if so decowered
later and will in/tiate legal action against the applicant
Only short isted eligble candidates will be caled to appear for testhnterview.
No TA/DA Wwill be paid for appearing in written testinterview.
Minitry of Enengy (Pouer Dtvision) reserves the right to cancel the recrutment process in part
or whale at amy stage without asspning at any reason
(Umer waqar)
Section Oficer (Admn)
z Floor, ABlod, Pak Secretarlat, Islamabad
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