'Paranoia' is an animated short film made by 4 students as part of their final year degree project for Thakur-Toonskool Advanced Animation Academy.
Synopsis: A guy is traveling in a late night Mumbai local train. The bogie is empty except for a few sleepy passengers. A man with a briefcase boards the train at a station and decides to sit directly in front of him...
Sandeepan Chanda
Sunil Kumar Yadav
Amrita Mukhopadhyay
Nitesh Mishra
Awards of Excellence ASIFA India IAD'10
24fps Awards by MAAC India 2010
Pune International Film Festival 2011
Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival 2011
CGTantra Community Awards 2011
Jaipur International Animation Film Festival 2011
TASI Viewer's Choice Awards at ANIFEST India 2010.
TBS Digicon6 Awards (Japan)
Animayo 2011 (Spain)
Bitfilm Festival 2011 (Hamburg, Bangalore)
Athens International Animation Festival 2012 (Greece)
For more information on the movie join the Facebook fan page: facebook.com/PARANOIATHEANIMATEDSHORT
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