"Birds Without Wings" is a novel by British author Louis de Bernières, first published in 2004. The novel is set in the early 20th century in the fictional Turkish village of Eskibahce, and tells the story of the village and its inhabitants, both Muslim and Christian.
The novel explores themes such as war, love, friendship, and the clash of cultures. It follows the lives of various characters, including the Muslim boy Karatavuk, who falls in love with the Christian girl Philothei, and the soldier Captain Kemal, who fights in World War I and experiences the horrors of battle.
The novel also depicts the gradual dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and the rise of Turkish nationalism, as well as the tensions between Muslims and Christians in the region. The title of the novel refers to a quote from Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, who said, "The bird flies with its two wings, the woman with her two breasts."
"Birds Without Wings" was well-received by critics upon its publication, and has been praised for its beautiful writing, richly drawn characters, and vivid depiction of life in a small village in Turkey. The novel has been compared to other works of historical fiction, such as "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy.
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