A TV spot from LivingWithUC.com, encouraging people with UC to visit the website and talk to their gastroenterologist.
The full VHS tape contains around 6 hours of KDKA, CBS, and USA Network content, ranging from 1999 all the way to 2006.
Unfortunately something was amiss with the VCR that originally recorded onto the tape in 1999, as there is this pretty nasty bar of white noise throughout the middle of the video - it even desyncs with the top half sometimes. The USA Network material from 2006 is unaffected; I can guess they got a different VCR by that point. This isn't the only tape I have from the same collection, and it exhibits the same exact noise bars in the same places...
The TV programs that play go in order:
- Hollywood Squares (November 4th, 1999?)
- Diagnosis Murder ("Gangland")
- 48 Hours ("A Mother Accused")
- "Gangs of New York" (2002)
Upscaled to 4K for YouTube using Lanczos4Resize and deinterlaced with QTGMC, all within StaxRip.
I do not claim to be well versed in the artform of analog media encoding, so I encourage anyone who knows better to give it a try themselves using the RF samples on the archive.org page: archive.org/details/kodak_vhs_1999-2006_pgh (not yet available)
Rest of description is a direct paste from archive.org page:
This archive includes the FM RF copies of the analogue format (VHS). The media was captured with two modified VTImage capture cards (CXADC) at 40MSPS for the video signal, and 10MSPS for the VHS Hi-Fi audio.
This is the original signal off of the medium before processing past initial signal tracking and pre-amplification - a raw master digital copy or medium transfer.
Capture hardware used: 2x VTImage capture cards (CXADC) sampling at 40MSPS, overclocked via github.com/namazso/cxadc-clockgen-mod
VCR & Tap setup used: Sony SLV-677HF, PB RF pin 2 on CN261 for video FM RF, CN341 pin 3 for VHS Hi-Fi FM RF
TV System & Tape Format: NTSC, VHS EP
Commands used to decode the FFV1 archive provided:
vhs-decode --debug --ntsc --threads 8 --tape_format VHS --recheck_phase --tape_speed EP
Version of decode used at the time: 8b9a53b
Runtime: 06:08:40:000
Audio: Yes
Included in this archive is the RF information and commands used with vhs-decode as well as hifi-decode.
Please visit the vhs-decode GitHub page if you wish to obtain newer versions of the decoders, other tools and more information past what is presented here.
LivingWithUC TV spot (2006)
livingwithucliving with ucliving with uc tv spot2000s commercialsCXADCCX CardCX23883-29CX23883VHS-DecodeHiFi-DecodeTime Base CorrectionDecodeDecode Projectsvhsmedia archivestapesopensourcehardwareopensourcesoftwaretimebase correctorFM RF CaptureFM RF ArchiveFM RF Archivalsoftware defined video decoding