In this video, I'll show you how and where to get the Recipes for the New Epic Crafting Gear!
First of all, we need a Grime-Encrusted Salvage Item. These can drop inside the new Gnomeregan Raid from Trashmobs and Bosses. Once you have obtained one of these, head to The Clean Zone inside the Raid. There you will find a new Cleaning Gadget called the Salvagematic 9000! Which is slighty larger than the regular old ones. If you interact it with, you can accept a quest and cleanse the item for 30 silver. Afterwards you can talk to Ziri next to it to get the Quest Salvaging the Salvagematic. This requires you to get 10 Mithril Bars and 5 Greater Mystic Essence – You can buy these from the auction house or get via Professions. You can find the Cartridge Fuses inside the Raid, they drop off larger Mechanical Trashmobs and several Bosses. The Processor is a more time consuming process. First, get outside of the Gnomeregan Raid towards the old Back Entrance Area. There you will find Techbot, which will drop a Corroded Processor Quest Item for anyone in the Group that did the prequest. Take this Corroded Processor back inside the Raid and talk to Ziri about it. She will tell you about an Engineer in Booty Bay that might be able to fix it. So our next Step will be Booty Bay. In Front of the Inn you can find the Goblin Engineer Scooty. He tells you about the Gnome that can repair the Processor, but to get to him we have to do a Quest from Scooty called Quadrangulation first. The Quest requires us to find four Beacons around Kalimdor. The first Beacon is located Underwater in Northeast Dustwallow Marsh at the Coordinates 58/12. You can find it next to a sunken Ship. The Second Beacon is located in Desolace. You can find it in the Southwest on a hill near Shadowprey Village at the Coordinates 32/72. The third Beacon is in Tanaris. To the West near Sandsorrow Watch you can find it upon another Hill at Coordinates 37/27. The fourth and last beacon can be found in Feralas. You have to swim around the Isle of Dread in the Southwest until you reach its southernmost Shore. There you can find it at the coordinates 29.93. Now with all the Beacons discovered, we can return to Booty Bay. Turn in the Quest with Scooty, and talk to him for a Teleport to Feralas! There you will find the Gnome Engineer Wirdal Wondergear. You can now turn in the Corroded Processor and will receive the follow up Quest Warranty Claim from him. This requires you to bring a Charged Voidcore to Wirdal, which we can obtain by killing Nagas on the Islands in western Feralas. You get down from his Plateau bis using the Teleporter. The Nagas however only drop the Spent version of the Voidcore. To ReCharge it, you can now start killing Mobs around the World to find a Shadowy Figure. Now Im not 100% sure about it, but I would at least recommend to kill green Mobs for it. I found her at a level 33 Raptor in Stranglethorn, but you can choose whatever Mobs you prefer, or simply keep grinding at the Nagas. Once you’ve found the Shadowy Figure, talk to her to receive a Mote of Shadow. With this you can now recharge the Voidcore and bring it back to Wirdal! He will repair the Processor for you, and you can now return to Gnomeregan with it. There you can finally turn in the Quest with Ziri, and she will now sell you the New Crafting Recipes in Addition to the regular Set Items! In Addition to the regular Materials, you will need a new Reagent Recipe that you can also buy from her. This Reagent requires you to cleanse additional Grime Encrusted Salvage from which you will receive a Box of Gnomeregan Salvage. This contains a lower a lower quality version of your crafting reagent, and you will need several of those to get the higher quality one. You will also receive A Pile of random Parts that you can exchange in a 3 to 1 ratio with Ziri for Mystery Crate that can contain crafting materials like deeprock salt or mithril ore.
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