In celebration of Co-op Week 2022, the Canadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives' hosted its first ever Graduate Student Research Showcase. Our panel of students presented their research on co-operatives and share how that research will help to advance co-operation in the world of tomorrow.
Our panelists included
Candice Minott is a Master of Public Administration student at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy. Prior to beginning her graduate studies, Candice was the Senior Manager - Brand Management & Advertising for The Jamaica National Group (JN Group) - a mutual - in Kingston, Jamaica.
Kevin Harding is a PhD candidate at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Saskatchewan. Kevin has an academic background in political science, public policy, and critical political economy, and professional experience in public policy roles in nonprofit and government organizations.
Bill Oemichen is a PhD candidate at the Johnson-Shoyama School of Public Policy. Oemichen is a member of the Law Society of Alberta and partner in Community and Co-operative Counsel based in Calgary, and and serves on the board of several co-operatives, including the education and insurance arm of the $440 Billion American Farm Credit System.
CCSC Graduate Student Showcase
cooperativescooperativeco-operativeco-operativescredit unionscredit unioncoop researchcoop educationco-operative researchco-operative educationUniversity of Saskatchewanco-op studiescoop studiesBill OemichenKeen HardingCandice MinottGraduate Student ResearchGrad StudiesUSaskCo-op WeekCo-op Week 2022Co-operative SectorStudent ResearchWilliam Lee OemichenCanadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives