The story of Maurício Almeida stands out. Despite being visually impaired since birth, Maurício pursued his education and career, and with the help of the OrCam MyEye 2, he has gained even more independence and access to the world of literature.
On December 13, 2019, Maurício started using OrCam MyEye 2 after receiving the device as a surprise from AmBev. OrCam MyEye 2 allows Maurício to gain even more independence through artificial vision, to do things he has never done before such as simply going to a bookstore and reading books by himself. Maurício expressed the change that OrCam MyEye 2 has brought to his life by saying: "Although I really enjoy reading, I could not do so independently.” Now with OrCam MyEye 2, he finally can.
The OrCam MyEye 2 is a powerful device that provides artificial vision to visually impaired individuals. It can read printed and digital text, recognize faces, identify products, and more.
The OrCam MyEye 2 has made a significant impact on Maurício's life by giving him even more independence and access to literature. He can now read any book he wants, something he could not do before. OrCam is committed to empowering people with disabilities and giving them equal opportunities in life. The company's mission is to make the world a more inclusive place for everyone.
OrCam Presents: Mauricio
Maurício Almeidavisually impairedOrCam MyEye 2artificial visionindependenceprinted textdigital textface recognitionproduct identificationdisabilitiesaccessibilityassistive technologyblindblidnesscurrency identificationorcammoney identificationbill identificationrecognizing facesrecognizing peoplebarcode identification