Connecting an encoder and displaying its values, which could be easier.
We use the encoder KY-040 and the interface register MCP23S17.
The data from the encoder goes to the STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller and, after further processing, you can get the value of the rotation counter,
the state of the button, as well as the direction of rotation.
Part of the equipment:
1) Microcontroller stm32f103c8t6, brains of the system
2) Batteries 3.7 V 2 pcs with a switch
3) 7 segment indicator KEM-5161AG
4) Microcircuit MCP23S17
5) Encoder KY-040
6) Dual LED common cathode
7) Pulse converter LM2596S
+) Connecting wires, straight arms and a desire to figure out how everything works here
# stm32 #keil #microcatchan # stm32f103c8t6 # mcp23s17
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