In this last video about last will and testament, I talk about seven different types of wills that are out there. Before you create your own will, it is good to know what options are available to you and type of will is right for you.
The four primary types of will include:
1. Simple wills
2. Living wills
3. Joints wills
4. Testamentary trust wills
Most likely you won’t go wrong with any of these will. But there are also three additional types of wills that you must know about.
5. Holographic wills
6. Pour-over wills
7. Oral wills
It is hard to say which type of will is right for you without knowing your situation, assets that you own, and where you own them. Luckily, with so many options you certainly can find the type of will that is best for you and your family. And if you still can’t, please talk to your financial advisor or an estate planning attorney.
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7 Types of Wills: Which is Best For You?
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