In business, not all clients are created equal. Sometimes, even the biggest companies can be the worst customers. I recently had an experience with a large listed company in the US that serves as a perfect example of how some clients think they can just bully you, throw their weight around, and treat you badly because of their size or reputation.
It's amazing how they feel entitled to special treatment, thinking they can demand more for less, while disrespecting your time, your work, and your value. The worst part is, they assume that because they're a big name, you'll bend over backwards and accept their behavior just for the "privilege" of working with them. But that's where they're wrong.
As a business owner, it's important to recognize that no amount of money or prestige is worth compromising your standards, your self-respect, or the integrity of your business. We don't get pushed around or accept poor treatment, no matter how big the client is.
Uncover the Truth: Customers Are Getting Tougher and Pricier!
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