Congress leader Rahul Gandhi led his party MPs to stage a protest against the fuel price hike at Vijay Chowk in New Delhi. This as petrol and diesel rates soared for the ninth consecutive day. Congress leaders kickstarted their three-phase “Mehngai Mukt Bharat Abhiyan” campaign. Between March 31 and April 7, the party plans to organise rallies and marches targeting the central government over rising inflation and consecutive fuel price hikes. Rahul Gandhi said, “In the last 10 days, petrol and diesel prices have increased 9 times. We demand that the rising prices should be brought under control. Congress party is holding nationwide protests on this issue today.” Meanwhile, Congress & like minded parties DMK, NC, CPI, CPM, IUML, VCK, MDMK, JMM, SS, NCP, TMC walked out from the parliament too against the price hike. Watch this video for more.
#FuelPriceHike #ModiGovernment #RahulGandhi #Inflation #Congress #MehngaiMuktBharatAbhiyan
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