Rocker Board Exercises are a great way to improve balance and proprioception, particularly in the feet and ankles, but also in the knees, hips and low back. Some research suggests that 3 sessions of rocker board exercises for 2 weeks will double the single leg stance time of someone who can't stand for 10 seconds on one leg. This exercise needs to be performed carefully.
Rocker Board
ExerciseBalance TrainingBalanceStabilityProprioceptionStrengthPosturePostural trainingCore StabilityFunctional TrainingFitnessWorkoutBalance BoardRocker BoardStabilisationDon WilliamsPowerSerratus Anterior Muscle (Muscle)Shoulder StabilityShoulder TrainingMuscle (Anatomical Structure)Institute of Sports and SpinesChiropracticExercise PhysiologyPowerlifting