(Background music: Workplace Strategies for Mental Health logo appears with the text “Compliments of Canada Life” below it.)
(The narrator is facing and talking to the camera.)
Trust can be hard to earn and easy to lose.
Integrity is one competency that helps you build trust.
As leaders, we sometimes have to make unpopular or tough choices and manage difficult situations.
(An illustration is drawn of a circled letter ‘X’ with the words beside it “Tough choices” is drawn).
(The illustration disappears and an illustration of a person with a checkmark on their head is drawn with the words beside it “Consistently show up” is drawn).
When you consistently show up in a way that’s respectful, your team can anticipate your reactions, even when they don’t like some of your decisions.
(The illustration disappears and an illustration of an exclamation mark is drawn with the words beside it “Can anticipate” is drawn).
(A video of a woman talking to a group of adults in a workplace plays)
Knowing your values and the values of your organization and walking that talk every day is key.
(The video stops playing and another video plays with three adult women talking in a work environment.)
Never assume that others understand or witness your integrity in action. Make a point of explaining what your principles are and how they guide your decision-making. Then align your words and actions with your values and principles you have shared.
(The video changes to two men in a city talking, one is walking and the other is in a wheelchair.)
Integrity requires you to be aware of your own biases. We all have them, but if you don’t make an effort to be aware of what yours are, you may not recognize when you are treating some people differently.
Remember, your integrity as a leader isn’t just about how your team sees you – it’s about your ability to foster the trust of your team.
Check out our Workplace Strategies website to learn all the competencies that help you build trust.
(The URL then appears below www.clwsmh.ca/trust.)
(The Workplace Strategies for Mental Health logo appears and the music fades.)
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