Wilko is 54 days old and Kasse is 51 days. They are practicing their wingers, and Wilko is achieving a bit of lift-off. Little do they know what is in store for them tomorrow, when they are scheduled to be banded, and fitted with trackers. Can't wait to see their new bling! (The audio was not functioning, hence the added jazzy music)
"Black Frost" by Grover Washington, Jr.
This is an osprey nest on a barge at Port Lincoln, South Australia.
Link for the livestream: [ Ссылка ]
For more information about the daily life on the nest go to the Observation Board: [ Ссылка ]
Port Lincoln Ospreys Facebook: [ Ссылка ]
Friends of Osprey is a South Australian conservation group focused on protecting and growing the population of Osprey in South Australia. [ Ссылка ]
Facebook: [ Ссылка ]
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