In an unusual incident in Motihari, Bihar, a disused plane being transported from Mumbai to Assam became lodged under a bridge in the Piprakothi area, causing a significant traffic disruption on Friday. The scene attracted attention as onlookers gathered to witness the peculiar predicament. A viral video captured pedestrians and motorists attempting to find alternative routes as the plane blocked NH 27 beneath the Piprakothi bridge. The mishap occurred due to the truck driver miscalculating the bridge's height, mistakenly believing the plane could pass underneath.
Authorities reported that both the plane and the trailer truck were safely extracted, allowing traffic to resume. This incident mirrored a similar occurrence in November 2022 in Andhra Pradesh, where a plane became stuck under a road underpass in the Bapatla district. In both cases, the unusual sight of a plane causing traffic disruptions became a spectacle for residents and passersby.
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