Team ASport - ASRT crews (Bulantsev/Kurnosov, Smirnov/Galkevitch, Turkin/Mirkotan) took part in Rally Yakkimaa, Karelia. As usual, the overall technical and logistic support was provided by our rally team (ASRT).
More than 60 cars participated in this competition, more than 30 cars were 4 wheels drive. This race was absolutely new for our crews, when the rest of participants was much more familiar with it. The weather has met participants with -25C freezing air, shining sun and fresh powder.
The race started early morning and for the first section participants had to install supplementary lights. Not only the darkness has worsened significantly the visibility but also dense snow dust, provoked by first cars and suspended in the air without disappearing for minutes. Already during the first section several potential leaders left the race, losing control after their cars on complicate Karelian special stages. During almost all the race Igor Bulantsev on its EVO VIII Group A, shared the leadership with experienced Vyacheslav Prohorov. And when Vyacheslav lost several minutes with broken wheel, the victory of our strongest crew became evident. Our second crew Smirnov/Galkevitch on EVOX N4 took the 6th position in absolute, the other crew Turkin/Mirkotan was 2nd among two wheels drive cars. As the team, ASport -- ASRT took the first place the time in a row this month.
In February, ASRT plans to participate in three race in Russia and to organize a large representation during legendary Rally Sarma 2012 in Latvia where ASRT will support at least 6 local and foreign crews.
Rally "Yakkima 2012" Team ASport-ASRT
Ралли ЯККИМАЯККИМА 2012ЯККИМАРалли ЯККИМА 2012ASRTasrtasrt.euautostilsautostils rally tehnicaASportasportasport.proRally YakkimaaRally Yakkimaa 2012KareliaTeam ASport-ASRTASport-ASRTBulantsevKurnosovSmirnovGalkevitchTurkinMirkotanrally in russiasweeden 2012rally sweden 2012rallyasrtmediaRallyingevoxhonda type Rlancerevo8lake ladoga