In the near future, the environment has been destroyed and society suffocates under a brutal military occupation. A lone Cree wanderer Weesakechak searches an urban war zone to find the ancient and dangerous Weetigo to help fight against the occupiers.
Directed by Danis Goulet
Written by Tony Elliott
Official Selection:
Sundance Film Festival 2014
Nashville Film Festival 2014
Seattle International Film Festival 2014
imagineNATIVE Film + Media Festival 2013
Awarded Outstanding Canadian Short at ReelWorld Film Festival 2014
Opening night film at The Elgin Theatre, Toronto International Film Festival 2013
idlenomoreIdle No MoreThe Elgin and Winter Garden TheatreWinter Garden TheatreSundance Film FestivalSundanceScience FictionAboriginal FilmFirst Nations FilmCree Language (Human Language)Danis GouletTony ElliottOrphan BlackOccupationWeetigoWendigoTricksterShort FilmScience Fiction MoviesWoman DirectorimagineNATIVEWakeningSci-FiShort Film (Film Genre)PoliticalThriller (TV Genre)ProtestOccupy Wall Street (Event)