I believe I am up to 54 synths purchased and 34 sold in the last year. I keep saying I'm done but......
Hit subscribe and see the other episodes for this series. They'll probably come once a week or every other week.
- All sound demo segments are played with absolutely no plans for the patches I am going to use or what I am going to play. I'm just winging it. Obviously.
- All audio is recorded dry, straight from the synths. Any effects you hear are internal effects built into that synth.
- All synths and everything else were purchased at regular prices. I have never been given a demo model or even loaned something by any company. I bought all this stuff.
- No, I'm not rich. The buying spree started with selling some synths I already had. Then when I wanted more stuff, I sold off more collectibles I already owned. The synths I decided not to keep then funded more synth purchases. I run a record label by myself and also work a full-time normal job. I worked my ass off for all this stuff.
- Yes, I know I have the Imovie skills of the average 8-year-old. I've never even owned a smart phone.
- This project has been really fun and taught me that the most sought after "classics" are not automatically for everyone. It also taught me that youtube synth demos and comparisons are not the final word. Nothing beats sitting down with an instrument and playing it.
Check out [ Ссылка ] for releases by The Residents, Chrome, Norman Westberg (Swans), etc plus my own Zebras, Logan 5, and VP solo ambient music projects.
Check out [ Ссылка ] for Those Poor Bastards releases and news.
0:00 - Intro
0:12 - SQ80 Info
1:40 - SQ80 Sounds
4:15 - Moog One Info
5:36 - Moog One Sounds
9:48 - SH7 Info
10:56 - SH7 Sounds
13:11 - SK50D Info
14:30 - SK50D Sounds
16:05 - Some Synths I Did Not Keep
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