Against All Odds is a thrilling crime drama from 1984, directed by Taylor Hackford and starring Jeff Bridges, Rachel Ward, and James Woods. The movie tells the story of a retired football player who is hired to find a missing woman by her shady boyfriend, leading him on a dangerous and unpredictable journey through the seedy underworld of Los Angeles.
With a compelling plot, stunning cinematography, and an incredible soundtrack featuring Phil Collins' iconic theme song, Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now), this movie is a must-see for fans of the crime genre.
If you're looking for a gripping and suspenseful film that will keep you on the edge of your seat, then look no further than Against All Odds. Whether you're a fan of Jeff Bridges, Rachel Ward, or James Woods, or simply love a good crime drama, this movie is sure to deliver.
**Reviews Mentioned**
**Major Actors**
Jeff Bridges
Rachel Ward
James Woods
Alex Karras
Jane Greer
Richard Widmark - [ Ссылка ]
Dorian Harewood
Swoosie Kurtz
Saul Rubinek
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