Aired (October 16, 2022): Behind the small island of Camiguin hides a vibrant, delightful, and amazing festival called the Lanzones Festival!
Join Kapuso Primetime King Dingdong Dantes as he showcases the unseen beauty of planetEarthin GMA's newest infotainment program, 'AmazingEarth.' Catch its episodes every Sunday afternoon on GMA Network. #AmazingEarthGMA #AmazingEarthYear4
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Amazing Earth: Visiting Lanzones festival in Camiguin!
GMAGMA 7GMA PlaygroundAmazing Earth full episodeAmazing Earth October 16Amazing Earth 2022Amazing Earth new episodevertical:entertainmentgenre:factualformat:highlightsource:entertainmenttype:digitalseries:Amazing Earthtopic:philippinesadventurefactstriviaearthnature tripsenvironmentadvocacysaving mother earthperson:Dingdong Danteslocation:Philippineslanguage:Filipinolanzones festivalcamiguin lanzones festival