"We Didn't Even Last The Summer" Available NOW at joecashmusic.bandcamp.com #WDELTS
The official video for "Streetcar" by Joe Cash
Starring Katrina Coswell
Directed by Joe Cash and John Belnap
Camera by John Belnap and Undetectable Bomber
Assistant Director Jim Jones
For booking/video work contact: joecashproductions@gmail.com
Twitter @JoeCashKOTD
IG @joecashkotd
Joe Cash - Streetcar (Official Video)
Joe Cash KOTDJoe Cash ProductionsJoe CashDirected by Joe CashDir. Joe CashMusic VideoOfficial VideoTorontoCanadaScarboroughJoe Cash - StreetcarNineteen Fifty SomethingShe Helps MeConcrete FeetJoe Cash - Streetcar (Official Video)We Didn't Even Last The SummerWDELTSTDSOAYThree Days Shy Of A YearKing Of The DotKOTDStreetcarTTCUndetecable BomberJohn BelnapKatrina CoswellTom WaitsFrankie Valli