1) Thees fall to the side (left or right), in the Japanese arts as Yoko Ukemi, is used primarily when techniques or rolling are used witch break the balance of UKE to the side, or a leg of UKE will be blocked or swept or moved away. Here is primarily important, that the head of the falling partner is not hitting the ground. Yoko ukemi also belongs to the group of "hard falls".
2) These Ukemi techniques help Judo students to land safely when thrown or they are knocked off balance.
3) Fall breaking is employed to prevent injury and minimize the pain when a contestant falls or is thrown by an opponent. Fall breaking includes front, back, right, and left break falls, and a forward roll break fall. In addition to being a basic component of throwing techniques, fall breaking and rolling is also a fundamental part of all Judo techniques, and is therefore of the highest importance.
Break fall drills begin gently and from low postures, and are gradually performed faster and from higher postures.
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